Fraud Investigation

Has Your Business Been Affected By Fraud?

Hire a certified fraud examiner

The discovery of fraud is a shocking and upsetting occurrence for anyone. Unfortunately, we have extensive experience investigating fraud, identifying the environment which allowed the fraud to take place, providing internal controls to limit the chance of reoccurrence, locating stolen assets, and referrals of the guilty parties for prosecution.

We'll Help You understand how the fraud occurred:

We'll Help You understand how the fraud occurred:

You can trust our CPA's and Certified Fraud Examiners to:

  • Analyze financial transactions
  • Interview witnesses and potential perpetrators
  • Trace assets
  • Assist in Asset recovery
  • Recommend internal controls to minimize chance of reoccurrence

Once we've figured out what went wrong, we'll explain your operational weaknesses and methods you could use to prevent fraud in the future. Call us now at 215-663-2500 to request fraud investigation services.